I've been thinking a lot about why God asked Abraham to kill his son Isaac on the alter. {If you aren't familiar with the story, you can read it here.}
I think that God is worth obeying and trusting.
And I know that he gives and he takes away.
I'm not sure what this story says about him though. Or what he wants me to learn from it.
God is testing Abraham, and when he passes the test correctly he gets rewarded.
I'm uncomfortable with that. For a lot of reasons.
And if anything, this story reveals the great character of Abraham. God asked him to do something really hard and terrifying and he obeyed him. I haven't formed an opinion on what this says about God's character. Or at least one that I'm comfortable typing out for the internet to read.
Maybe I'll tuck this back into my brain for right now and file it away under "misunderstanding sovereignty" and "the Old Testament is fascinating".
Agreed, read this passage today, actually...fascinating and slightly terrifying..but the Lord will provide! :)