
I write partially-developed and unpolished thoughts about God here.

I include more about my life here: mattandcarlycross.blogspot.com

Friday, December 30, 2011

Unless you're a police officer.

I have a hard time believing anything I hear. I don't believe statistics, stories, old wives tales or fun facts. I'm a cynic and a critic and usually leaning into someone's ear to mumble a snide remark when being sold something.But as I'm reminded in the good ol' book of 1 Corinthians,

"...love believes all things." 1 Corinthians 13:7

Thankfully, when I am able to focus on Jesus' character and the power of the Holy Spirit gets involved, I am better at living out this command.

To believe all things. To believe the begging man that says he needs change for food. To believe that Matt is late for dinner unintentionally. To believe someone's excuse (and not roll my eyes blatantly).

A good friend who did our marriage counseling pointed out this specific part of what can be an exhausted text. (I mean, I've never really gotten that far in the chapter. I'm still working on the "love is patient" part.) It stuck with me for a while and then like most great lessons, faded away. It has reappeared in my mind lately. Probably because I'm not doing it very well.

I'm hoping to apply this to my thought-life this week. (It's Friday, right?)

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