All growing up, I remember my mother cutting me off in the middle of sentences and asking me "Who? Who did that? You and WHO?" to point out that I was mistakenly saying "Me and Ash" as opposed to "Ashby and I" or whatever proper form the sentence called for. This led me to become more aware of other people's sentence structure, pronunciation and overall grammar.
People who misspell or misuse a word get very little grace in my book. I instantly notice typos, wrongly used forms of 'there' or any other common, elementary mistake. My sister and I have blacklisted people who use weather instead of whether. It's become our number one deal-breaker in relationships.
So, what does this have to do with the Bible?
Well. In class, we were going over a few of the basic basics. Who wrote what book, where it came from, etc etc. The Old Testament is written mostly in Hebrew, some Aramaic.
The New Testament, which holds the story of Jesus Christ life and death,
is written in common Greek.
The lowest form, the least impressive. The stuff fishermen and slaves could understand, IF they could read.
My teacher explained to us that the scribes were the highly educated people who knew how to read and write among a culture that didn't know how to. But God chose his living Word, the only book given to us, to be written in the 'dumbest', least eloquent form of the language. He wanted everyone to be able to read it, understand it and apply it across the social class spectrum. He didn't write a Shakespearean version of Scripture expecting us to catch up to it.
God does not care about grammar, spelling,
extensive vocabulary or the use of semi-colons.
We do, a lot. We hold spelling bees, we practice penmanship and give vocabulary tests. We judge the intelligence of a person based on whether or not they can move letters around well enough.
Shouldn't we be a people marked by love, grace, forgiveness and truth instead of linguistics?
Just a thought.
Who are you, and what have you done with my baby girl?